Friday, August 22, 2008

Reformed (insert bad habit here)

One of those things that drives me nuts are people that used to
engage in one bad habit or another and have "seen the light" and
quit. I smoke, I drink, and I eat things that would give a cardiologist
a fit. And somewhere out there someone that used to do the same
things would be more than happy to tell me to quit with a zeal that
borders of fanaticism.

I am happy for anyone that has managed to drop some personal
vice that they felt was controlling their lives. However, what I
choose to do is my own affair. I don't need these people to point
out medical studies I am already aware of. Nor do I need someone
that was smoking two packs a day only three months ago telling
me that I should quit.

Personally, I feel these people are compelled by a modern form of
puritanism* more than they are compelled by any great concern
for a stranger's health and well being.

*Puritanism: The innate fear that somewhere, someone
is having fun.

Yours Truly,

Dick McPlenty P.I. (pissed indefinitely)

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