Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Real friendships have no strings attached

It has been my experience that many people view friendship
as a means to an end. To my way of thinking this is just plain
wrong. A friend is someone you like and are willing to help
and will help you without asking for or expecting anything in

This also means not making any strange demands or having
any requirements or restriction to be your friend. The only
thing any friend should expect is that you respect each others
privacy and be given your space when it is need it. If I don't
call or come around for a long while it isn't because we aren't
friends anymore, it is because I have my own life to live and
may be too busy and forget or simply can't spare the time.

I have learned to accept my friends for who and what they are.
Sometimes I disagree with their viewpoint and ideas but in
the end I understand that those ideas and viewpoints are part
of what makes them themselves; Part of what made me like
them to begin with. And all I ask is they do the same for me.

Yours Truly,

Dick McPlenty P.I. (pissed indefinitely)