Have a seat and read a fifty year old magazine while they sharpen
the prongs on the rusty pitchfork.
haha My sense of humor, twisted and warped as it may be.
But that isn't why we're here, now is it?
No, this is my own little blog to vent my frustration and call
people asshole that are utterly clueless to their own innate
assholeiness. (yes, that's a word, I just made it one.)
Will I be naming names? Nope. This blog is a general rant not
directed at any one asshole or group of assholes. What I will be
blogging about are things that just generally piss me off.
Who am I? I'm Mr Niceguy, the walking talking doormat that
takes shit with a smile. The person that says please and thank you
and gets a boot in the balls for being even remotely thoughtful
and nice. No, I'm not going to say that applies to everyone. Just
the self centered self absorbed asswipes that seem so prevalent
on the internet and in the world in general.
You've probably run across a few of these dickheads yourself.
It's always "me me me" with these walking piles of feces. They
post stupid comments on blogs along the lines of "Ur blog sux!"
or post moronic comments on Youtube vids. And my favorite
assholes, Oh yeah, I got my faves, these spamming assholes
that think posting a link to their site every post is going to get
them visitors and then they wonder why their comments get
deleted and their asses get banned!
If by some remote chance in Hell one of these self absorbed
pricks should pull their head out of their ass long enough to
show someone even a remote amount of common courtesy they
act like they just went out of their way and expect you to give
them public kudos for it.
(Fine. they can have a Milkbone if they'll just STFU.)
And here you are reading this rolling your eyes saying to yourself,
why the fuck didn't I just look at the blog about kittens instead?!
Yours truly,
Dick McPlenty P.I. (pissed indefinitely)
Saturday, August 16, 2008
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